Today we want to discuss steps to ease anxiety in your life. Anxiety can be an overwhelming force, affecting our thoughts, emotions, and daily lives. Whether it’s feeling anxious, generalised anxiety disorder, panic attacks, social anxiety, or specific phobias, seeking professional help can provide a lifeline. NI Counselling can offer a safe space to explore your fears, triggers, and coping mechanisms. You’ll learn practical strategies to manage anxiety, build resilience, and regain control. Remember, you’re not alone on this journey. There’s hope, healing, and a path toward inner peace!

What Is Anxiety?

The past decade in the UK has seen an explosion of anxiety-related issues. Anxiety is a psychological state that is marked by a variety of uneasy feelings, such as fear, worry, or nervousness. This condition is generally associated with future events and may significantly impact an individual’s daily life. While anxiety is a common occurrence, some individuals may experience it to a greater degree, and it can become a persistent problem that interferes with their daily activities.

Research on anxiety in the UK reveals that a significant number of people require support and different demographic groups are affected by anxiety at varying levels. Some of the key findings include:

  • Six out of 100 people in any one week are diagnosed with generalised anxiety disorder (according to Mind).
  • At any given time, over 8 million people in the UK suffer from symptoms of anxiety (as per Mental Health UK).
  • Fewer than 50% of those with generalised anxiety disorder access treatment (according to the Mental Health Foundation)?
  • Work-related stress, depression or anxiety affects an estimated 822,000 workers in the UK every year (according to the Health and Safety Executive).

However, it’s important to remember that you are much stronger than your anxious thoughts. When anxiety comes knocking on your door, there are actions you can take, lets look at some steps to ease anxiety.

1. Breath

Take a deep breath and let the rhythm of your breath anchor you in the present moment. Slow down your breathing and try to control how you live. Breathe through your nose; hold your breath for up to seven seconds, then save it for three to four seconds before slowly releasing. Repeat this exercise from ten to twenty times. In doing this, you are regulating yourself and reducing hyperventilating.

2. Ground yourself

Anxiety often causes tension in the body. Feel the earth beneath your feet and wiggle your toes. By doing this, you can remind yourself that you are in the here and now. With a little effort, you can teach yourself progressive muscle relaxation, which can release the stress and make you feel more relaxed.

3. Challenge your thoughts

Our minds can be skilled storytellers, but not all tales we tell ourselves are true. Could you take a moment to reflect on your anxious thoughts and ask yourself if they are facts or fiction? Anxiety seldom appears from nowhere. When we experience an increase in anxiety, often we have allowed the mind to frighten our thinking.

There is a saying that we no longer have to control our thoughts, but we no longer allow our thoughts to control us. We can maintain the level of anxiety by keeping the thoughts at bay. To do this, examine the evidence behind your thoughts before the spiral. Once fear is in full flow, you will not be able to think as this is due to the frontal cortex going offline when you enter survival mode.

Often, the natural reaction is to run from anxiety, but it makes it worse. To illustrate this, imagine a tug of war when two opposing ends pull away from each other. You get tension. Imagine the anxiety is placed at one end and you at the other. The tension was caused by you pulling away from your experience now; next time you experience anxiety, enter into it with a sense of curiosity. Explore your anxiety and try to establish what it is trying to tell you. You may want help with this.

4. Seek connection

Reach out to someone you trust, whether a friend, a loved one, or a professional. Sometimes, sharing the load makes it lighter, and having someone to talk to can help you feel less alone. Human connection is a vital aspect that brings us together and creates a sense of belonging. Our bond with people around us gives us a feeling of support and understanding.

We feel valued, respected, and heard when we interact with others. We experience no criticism or judgment. Instead, we feel stronger and refreshed after spending time with them. We can create human connections in many ways, such as having a meaningful conversation with a friend, receiving a warm embrace from a loved one, or exploring the outdoors with a family member. Sometimes, we can connect with others without even saying a word, just by sharing experiences and spending time together.

5. Practice self-compassion

Imagine comforting a dear friend through a tough time. Extend that same kindness to yourself. Be gentle with yourself and remember that it’s okay not to be okay sometimes. It can be hard to show kindness and care to ourselves, especially when we’re going through a difficult time. But practising self-compassion is an essential step towards healing and growth.

Whether you’re new to this practice or have been working on it for a while, there are a few things to remember. Firstly, self-compassion is not about constantly forcing ourselves to feel good. It’s about cultivating a sense of goodwill towards ourselves, even when things are tough. We can’t always control what happens to us, but we can choose how we respond.

With self-compassion, we learn to accept our pain with mindfulness and embrace ourselves with kindness and care. We remind ourselves that we’re not alone in our struggles and that imperfection is just a part of being human. By holding ourselves in love and connection, we create the optimal conditions for growth and transformation. Remember, being kind to yourself is okay; you deserve it.

6. Discover what relaxes you

Relaxation is crucial to maintaining our mental and physical well-being. To discover your inner calm, take a break from stress, even if it’s just for a few minutes. Exploring artistic activities such as painting, drawing, crafting, playing a musical instrument, dancing, baking, or sewing can be excellent ways to unwind. Walking in a park, garden, or forest and connecting with nature can help soothe your soul.

We are here to help

NI Counselling can help you to understand the root cause of your anxiety, learn coping strategies, break negative thought cycles, boost self-confidence, manage physical symptoms, and improve your overall quality of life. We hope you’ve found our post on Steps to ease anxiety helpful. Please find more details below to see how we can help you further.

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